Sunday 11 September 2011

September's Model Of The Month! Allyn Alves

Hi Friends!!

It's been awhile since I've made a blog update, but I have in fact been very busy building up the shop name and working with an amazing team of creatives to build a store portfolio so I can introduce the collection we have here at The Armoire Closet! We've been working with some incredible models these past few months and this month I wanted to showcase the model who is going to kick off my FALL COLLECTION! Her name is Allyn Alves and It was a joy to work with her on this shoot she is a total sweetheart! She looked great in all the clothes and it was a full blown high-fashion affair!

The amazing photographers on board were Vincent Gotti of VinCentG Photography & Jinggoy Montenejo of Light & Shade Imaging Photography and The Wardrobe Stylist was your's truely Prince Kaleo! I'll be posting more photos from the shoot with Allyn Alves and more of all the amazing models we've worked with so far! I'm so excited to be able to share this with all of you!! Hard work pays off and it will show in all the photos! Enjoy!!

Sincerely Yours, Kaleo of THE ARMOIRE CLOSET

Thursday 21 July 2011

The Armoire Closet July Update!

As some of you I'm sure have noticed I haven't had any new post since early last month in June! I've been pretty busy getting the store together and gathering some fresh new inventory for all you lovely people! =p

I've also been hard at work getting my advertising on point which I'm very excited to share with you all! My online store will be launching in a few weeks with a company called TWICE, which specializes in selling vintage and consignment based clothing through the internet!

I've also been working with my friend and local Bay Area fashion designer RJ Rivera and his wonderful team on visual ads with Photography by VincentG. We now will have advertisements with actual MODELS! Modeling clothing from the shop!!

We just worked with a very talented model named Staniel V. Ferreira / Courtesy of Ford Models Men's Division out of San Francisco! I was lucky to get him as a model and wish him luck as he will be pursuing his already rising modeling career in New York very soon!

I will post some photos from his shoot very soon they turned out AMAZING!!!

We also have a lot more photo shoots and events coming together throughout the year so I will keep you all posted! I'm so very excited and can't wait til you all stop by and take a look because soon the walls will be filled with photos of top models wearing the clothes from my shop I can't think of a better way to advertise the clothing and finally getting my stylist gig on again!!!

Well I just wanted to share it with all of you and thank everyone who has helped me thus far you are truely appreciated!!

God Bless You All and Hope To See You Soon @ THE ARMOIRE CLOSET!

The Armoire Closet

37825 Niles Blvd.

Fremont, Ca. 94536

(510) 565-1677

Monday 6 June 2011


Well our little event didn't go exactly as planned Saturday was a bust because of this crazy weather GRRR! Rain! HAHA! I had my great friends come through and really show their support for me and the store I couldn't have asked for more then that! Sunday on the other hand was GREAT had a awesome crowd of people show up! I hope you all continue to come by and check us out!! Remember somethig new is added to The Armoire Closet's Collection every week!!! I really appreciate every single person that has showed their support! This is one of my many dreams and I'm happy you are all a part of it!!! =)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Armoire Closet IS FINALLY HERE!!! =)

The store is finally here after years of collecting a unique collection of clothing ranging from modern department store resale, unique designer finds, and classic vintages pieces the store is here and I couldn't be happier! The store's Grand Opening Day which was May 15th, 2011 went pretty well and served as the debut of "The Armoire Closet" as one of the newest editions to the beautiful and historic Niles District in Fremont, Ca! The Niles District is a hidden gem, one of the reasons I chose this area for The Armoire Closet. The Niles is known for it's variety of classic vintage antique shops and is historically recognized as the home of the first black and white silent films starring none other then the legendary Charlie Chaplin. The Niles was his home ask anyone of the amazing merchant's in the area and you can see why we all enjoy this beautiful historic district! Well we hope to see you here at The Armoire Closet tell all your friends!!! <3